Re: Weeding popular titles Carol Morse 13 Apr 2005 22:41 UTC

We keep them and replace the news ones with fiche. People need to do
research on what happened during those years, what kind of clothes did
they wear, what kind of advertising, etc. You'd be amazed at the range
of questions we get in an academic library!
Carol Morse


Walla Walla College Library
Periodicals Dept.
104 S. College Ave.
College Place, WA  99324-1159

Carol Morse
Serials Librarian
509) 527-2684; fax 509) 527-2001

>>> rweaver@LIBERTY.EDU 4/12/2005 3:47:11 PM >>>
I have recently taken charge of the periodicals collection for our
library, and I'm trying to develop some collection policies .  One of
policy questions regards keeping back issues of popular reading titles
like People, Good Housekeeping, Time and Newsweek.  These are not
integral to any of our academic departments; we purchase them as
material for the students. Given the fact that back issues of many of
these type of periodicals are available through aggregators like
EBSCOHost, InfoTrac and Lexis-Nexis, what length of time is reasonable
to keep the print issues on the shelf? Other academic librarians, what
does your library do?
Please respond either on or off-list.  Thank you!

Best Regards,

Robert Weaver
Serials Librarian
A Pierre Guillermin ILRC
Liberty University
(434) 582-7655