Re: Measuring the teaching effectiveness of non-public services academic librarians - an informal survey Garry Church 09 Apr 2005 19:44 UTC

While all librarians may be rated for teaching effectiveness, if a person doesn't teach, how can one be rated on their teaching?  However, some non-teaching librarians - like webmasters & other technical experts - may give classes to employees on how to use teaching materials, webpage creation, book repair, etc - in this case, they are in fact teaching.

Training staff, one on one, is not the same as whole class instruction.

You can't evaluate people on what they aren't able to do.

BTW - librarians visiting other libraries to look at instruction and other services, is a big help as regards professional development, getting ideas, and relating to other professionals in different institutions.

Garry Church
Librarian - Reference, Instruction, Circulation
Laredo Community College

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Duhon, Lucy C
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 8:50 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Measuring the teaching effectiveness of non-public services academic librarians - an informal survey

[Please pass this along to anyone you think might be able to respond to
this survey.]

Our library faculty is in the process of prescribing a method to measure
the teaching effectiveness of librarians in non-public services
While there are concrete and commonplace instruments used to measure the
teaching effectiveness of public services librarians through evaluation
of reference service, instruction, and other student-based interactions,
the teaching effectiveness of librarians in technical services areas
(acquisitions, cataloging, serials, database and systems management,
etc.) remains difficult to evaluate.
Would you be willing to share with me the criteria and instruments (if
any) used in your institution to measure the teaching effectiveness of
non-public services librarians? There is no need to respond to the
discussion list.
Any and all comments are welcome -- thank you very much!

Lucy Duhon
Serials Librarian
Carlson Library/Serials Dept.
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH  43606

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