Order Records and Serials Solutions
Hillman, Kathy R. 05 Apr 2005 15:44 UTC
We have begun loading Serials Solutions records into our online catalog
for electronic journal titles but hesitate to put order records on the
Serials Solutions bibliographic records for a variety of reasons. On
the other hand, we don't need two bibliographic records in the OPAC for
the same electronic title, especially since in many cases, we still have
a record for the periodical in paper format. While we could suppress a
second non-Serials Solutions record in our public catalog or put the
electronic order on the paper record, this makes searching for duplicate
paid subscriptions more difficult.
If you have worked through this situation, particularly with the
Innovative Interfaces system, and have suggestions or solutions, please
call or e-mail me.
Kathy Hillman, Acquisitions Librarian, Baylor University
kathy_hillman@baylor.edu <BLOCKED::mailto:kathy_hillman@baylor.edu>
254-710-6684 or 254-710-2116