Serials collection assessment Maria Vagianos 25 Apr 2005 22:19 UTC

I recently started work in a  non-profit organization that needs help
restructuring its library.  Almost all of the collection needs to be
organized and managed in a way that will make this library
user-friendly and sustainable.  I am making my first forays into the
collection, getting familiar with the material and getting ideas on
how to manage it.

One of the first projects I'll be working on is the serials collection.
Right now, our biggest challenge is incoming serials (last six months)
that are mounting in bins in the director's office.  The director
expressed to me
his wish to have them sorted and out of his office. But he also wants
to be part of the decision making process.

Back issues are in better order, kept on shelf in the open-end magazine bins.

Could you recommend guidelines on how to assess and managing a serials
collection? If you need further information, I'll be glad to provide

Thanks for your help!
