E-journals processing slip from USF and other workflows Borchert, Carol Ann 22 Apr 2005 15:45 UTC

We now have the processing slip for electronic journals available as a
.pdf file on the Web.  (After the first 50 requests, I decided that
would be easier!)  :)  Please go to
http://www.lib.usf.edu/techservices/docs/misc/e-journal_slip.pdf to view
a copy of what we've done.

We also have a document online that details all of our workflows for
technical services, if anyone is interested/curious.  This document
includes an early draft of an e-resource processing slip (on p. 80-81),
before we decided to split out e-journals onto a separate slip.  The
narrative is contained in the first 30 pages, then most of the rest of
it is workflows, statistics sheets, and such.  To access that document,
please go to http://www.lib.usf.edu/techservices/, under Department-Wide
Matters (on the left), it's about the 3rd document, "Plan for
Optimization & Productivity, 2004."  We took the time to put this
together (about 9 months) because we are bringing up a new LMS this
summer, and our director figured it would help to have this information
documented as a starting point beforehand.

Let me know if there's any further info I can provide!

Carol Ann

Carol Ann Borchert, MLS, MA
Coordinator for Serials
University of South Florida Libraries
4202 E. Fowler Ave. LIB 122
Tampa, FL 33620-5400
(813) 974-3901
fax: (813) 974-2296
email: borchert@lib.usf.edu
Web page: http://www.lib.usf.edu/ref/borchert