Need help with two citations
Leadem, Ellen (NIH/NIEHS) 04 Apr 2005 16:35 UTC
Hello Serialists:
Can anyone help me with the completion of two citations? Our library's print
issue is not available, and I have not been able to verify the complete
citation from a number of other sources.
My patron needs the actual page numbers on which the following two abstracts
Sanders, J.M....
Tissue distribution of 2,2,4,4-tetrabromodiphenyl ether following single and
multiple doses to male F344 rats.
Society of Toxicology. 43rd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD 2004
The Toxicologist.
Abstract Number: 121
Page # ?
The Toxicologist.
Lebetkin, E.H....
Disposition of 2,2,4,4,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether in male F344 rats.
Society of Toxicology. 43rd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD 2004
The Toxicologist.
Abstract Number: 122
Page # ?
Thank you...
Ellen Leadem, MSLS
Library and Information Services Branch
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
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