ALA/ALCTS Programs in Chicago Virginia Taffurelli 21 Apr 2005 12:34 UTC

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ALCTS Program at ALA Annual Conference, Chicago 2005
How to Assess Your Vendors' Financial Viability

Date: Monday, June 27, 2005
Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room S105d

This program will feature a panel of three notable and expert speakers who
have worked in libraries and/or information industry firms. Their
presentations will explain that librarians take substantial risks and in
effect lend money to commercial organizations when they pay in advance for
subscriptions or services.  Questions to ask vendors, as well as guidelines
and strategies to follow in assessing vendor financial viability, will be
presented. Those attending should be in a better position to avoid losing
the library's money due to making uninformed decisions about vendor


David St. Clair Goble, Associate Dean for Libraries, Central Piedmont
Community College
Dan Tonkery, Vice President and Director of Business Development, EBSCO
Information Services
Stephen Wilson, Managing Group Director, Coutts Information Services Ltd.

Moderator: Daisy Waters, Assistant Acquisitions Librarian, E-Resources,
State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo

Sponsor: ALCTS Serials Section (SS) Education Committee
Co-sponsors: ALCTS Acquisitions Section (AS) Education Committee and ALCTS
Serials Section (SS) Acquisitions Committee

This program will benefit acquisitions, collection development, and serials
librarians, as well as library administrators, publishers and information
vendors and all others in the library field interested in the financial
viability of their library/institution.

Please join us!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you cannot attend our program, please see similar program
below ~~~~~~~~~~~~

ASCLA-ICAN Program at ALA Annual Conference, Chicago 2005
Evaluating Technology Vendors and Protecting Resources

Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room S104

Evaluating Technology Vendors and Protecting Resources or "What happens
when you prepay for a year of service in July and your vendor goes under in

Mr. Walton, currently a private college CFO, formerly an executive with an
integrated library system vendor, discusses evaluating the financial and
technical health of library technology vendors including considerations and
resources for evaluation of public and privately held
companies as well as looking at your vendor's technology and partnerships.
Ms. Drew, from the state library agency in Wisconsin, discusses using the
procurement process and contracts to protect your organization, e.g.,
terms, length, payment schedule, etc. Followed by Q & A.

Speakers: Robert Walton, CFO, College of Wooster; Sally Drew, Wisconsin
Dept. of Public Instruction.

Virginia Taffurelli
Head of Technical Processing
Science, Industry and Business Library
The New York Public Library
188 Madison Avenue
New York NY  10016-4314
Phone: (212) 592-7234
FAX: (212) 592-7233