NASIG MENTOR PROGRAM Anne McKee 23 Mar 2005 19:39 UTC

NASIG is proud to once again offer a mentoring program for first-time attendees to the NASIG Conference. Please see the information and forms at the following URL:

The program is offered to all attendees who would like to be mentored OR who would like to mentor a new-comer to the NASIG Conference.  It is an easy, wonderful way to meet colleagues, network and share your serials expertise.

The only requirement to be a mentee is attendance at the NASIG 2005 20th Annual Conference in Minneapolis, May 19th-22nd.

To be a mentor, we ask for:
Previous attendance to at least one NASIG Conference
Willingness to meet with your mentee at the conference and Establishing contact with your mentee PRIOR TO the conference.

Mentees and mentors are invited to the First-timers Reception on Thursday, May 19th at 3:00 and should strive to attend the reception.

The deadline for applications will be FRIDAY, APRIL 15th.  After your application is received, we will contact you with the name of your partner and the general guidelines. This program has been very successful for several years and we
look forward to your participation this year!

If you cannot access either the website or forms, please contact Alice at the email below and you will receive an e-mail form.

Hope to see you in Minneapolis!

Alice Tucker & Kathy Brannon &
Co-chairs, NASIG Mentoring Program

Anne E. McKee
Past President/Publicist