Position announcement -- Florida International University -- Sailaja Tumrukota Stephen Clark 23 Mar 2005 16:36 UTC

-----Original Message-----
From: Sailaja Tumrukota [mailto:tumrukos@fiu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: Position Announcement - Florida International University

Florida International University - College of Law

Job Opening

Catalog & Bibliographic Control Librarian

The College of Law seeks a well-qualified law librarian to work under the
direction of its Director of the Law Library to build a research-caliber law
school library. This position offers an experienced librarian the exciting
opportunity to design and build a new law collection of print and electronic
resources, and the systems, procedures, and staff needed to support it.

Florida International University is a diverse, public research university
serving 35,000 students. Its College of Law was unanimously established by
the Florida Legislature in the Spring of 2000. The College of Law enrolled
its inaugural class in the Fall of 2002 and offers full and part-time
programs leading to the J.D. Degree. The College of Law  has been granted
provisional approval from the American Bar Association (ABA)

Catalog & Bibliographic Control Librarian:

The Catalog & Bibliographic Control Librarian will be responsible for all
aspects of the law library's technical services, except for acquisitions and
serials, needed to support and provide access to the library's print and
electronic information resources. This librarian will be a member of the
library's senior management team.

Responsibilities include original and copy cataloguing, classification of
information in all formats, authority work, cataloging and processing of new
materials, review of departmental policies and procedures, use of the FIU
University Libraries' integrated library system, and working with University
Libraries and Information Technology personnel to coordinate law library
operations and procedures with the University's operations. The Catalog and
Bibliographic Control Librarian will supervise paraprofessional and student
staff assistants working on technical services tasks.

The state university libraries within the State of Florida have already
embarked on a state-wide initiative to migrate their online automated
library system from NOTIS to Ex-Libris. Sometime within the next two years,
FIU libraries will commence this migration, and the Catalog and
Bibliographic Librarian will play a major role in ensuring the success of
this endeavor.

The Catalog and Bibliographic Control Librarian has a central role in
ensuring patron access to electronic information, including assisting with
maintenance of the law library's website, providing catalog and website
links to web-based information sources, and remote access issues. This
librarian will compile and maintain statistics, including the important
statistical reports required for accreditation and state reporting purposes.
The Catalog and Bibliographic Control Librarian may be asked to provide some
reference duties when the library is open to patrons.


-         M.L.S.,  M.L.I.S.,  or equivalent from ALA-accredited school

--           Knowledge of MARC format and records, AACR2 rules, LCSH/LC

and cataloguing, preferably with law resources

-            At least five years of professional or technical services
experience, preferably in law library

-             High quality communication, interpersonal and organizational
skills -Self-starter who is able to meet time deadlines

-          Able to work well in team environment


-         Experience with NOTIS systems

-         J. D.

-          Supervisory experience

-          Foreign language skills, especially Spanish

--            Knowledge/experience of web page design and text mark up

Salary and benefits will be competitive and commensurate with experience.

To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and three references (by mail or
e-mail) before May 1, 2005 to:

Professor Matthew P. Downs

Director of the Law Library

Florida International University College of Law Library

University Park - GL 324

Miami, FL 33199

Tel: 305-348-8018

Fax: 305-348-1159

E-mail:  <mailto:matthew.downs@fiu.edu> matthew.downs@fiu.edu

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Employer