Invitation to Review Serials Release Notification Christie Burke 21 Mar 2005 23:57 UTC

The Serials Release Notification (SRN) subgroup of the  NISO/EDItEUR Joint
Working Party (JWP) invites you to participate in a review of the *draft*
Serials Release Notification message.

The SRN is an XML message based on ONIX for Serials structure, and is being
developed with the intention of providing details of print and electronic
journal releases primarily at the issue level, but also potentially at the
table of contents or article level.     Future versions of the SRN message
may address other use cases such as sending advance notification for
forthcoming journal releases, and providing advance notice of changes in
journal release schedules.

A copy of the SRN Draft for Review, along with a background statement and
message examples,  may be found on the JWP website <> .

The review period for this draft will be open until April 30, 2005.
Comments, suggestions and questions may be submitted to the group via email
to Christie Burke, SRN subgroup Chair, at