Botanical Review Skwor, Jeanette 15 Mar 2005 14:37 UTC

Is anyone else having receipt problems with this title?

The library catalogues I search regularly seem to be getting it in a
timely fashion, but I am being given one excuse after another.

On October 26, I claimed vol. 70, nos. 1 and 2 which I saw checked in on
others' catalogues.  I received a response a month later, those issues
"were just published" and we should be receiving them "soon".  I
reclaimed in January, which elicited the excuse that the pub is " in the
process of entering all of our subscribers into our new subscription
system.  Once they have updated all records missed issues will be sent
to all paid subscribers. "

By the end of January, other libraries also were holding # 3 and #4 of
the volume.  I emailed our vendor again, and finally, on Feb. 8,
received #1 and #2.  I told our vendor that, and advised them at that
time to claim #3 and #4.

I've not heard nor received any more issues and before I reclaim them,
thought it would be wise to find out what others' are experiencing.


Jeanette L. Skwor
Cofrin Library
University of WI-Green Bay
(920) 465-2670

"Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will
get you through times of no libraries."
                              Anne Herbert, The Whole Earth Catalog