Re: Binding Incomplete volumes Tschanz, Karen 09 Mar 2005 21:30 UTC

Hi, Sylvia. We prefer to bind, so we claim missing issues, or address a
"Needs" message to other libraries that might have duplicates or issues
to discard. If we cannot secure the missing issues, we shelve the issues
into the appropriate spot in the set on the shelf, or we put them into a
Princeton file or similar if we intend to keep them for awhile.

Hope this helps.

Karen S. Tschanz
Technical Services Librarian
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
55 East Monroe Street, Suite 4200
Chicago IL 60603
Phone: (312) 621-8759
Fax: (312) 269-8869

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Sylvia McAphee
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 2:46 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Binding Incomplete volumes

Good afternoon!
I am trying to find out how other libraries handle binding incomplete
serial volumes where 1 or 2 issues are missing.  Do you bind them or
not?  Also, what do you place on the spines of those bound volumes,
e.g.,  Incomplete, Lacks v. 51 n. 1?  Any information you could share
with me would be most appreciated.  Thank you in advance and have a
great day!

Sylvia McAphee
Serials Library Associate I
LHL 250- 1700 University Blvd.
1530 3rd Ave. So.
Birmingham, AL 35294-0013
(205) 934-2299 voice (205) 934-3545 fax

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