Re: Who signs your license agreements? an informal survey Blake, Julie C. 31 Mar 2005 21:00 UTC

I negotiate and sign license agreements with authority designated to me
by the Dean. We're a Master's Level I institution with @13,000 students.


Julie C. Blake
Collection Management Coordinator and Asst. Professor
LR&TS, St. Cloud State University

> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Jack Fitzpatrick
> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:41 AM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Who signs your license agreements? an
> informal survey
> [please excuse duplication - sent to Serialst and to ERIL]
> Hello all,
> We are a medium-sized research library, and would like to
> hear from other libraries of our size regarding the signing
> of database, aggregator and e-journal package license
> agreements. Are your license agreements negotiated and signed
> by library personnel or is this handled by your university
> attorneys or university-retained law offices?
> Please reply to me directly and I will summarize to the list(s).
> Thanks
> Jack D. Fitzpatrick
> Cataloging Dept.
> Auburn University Libraries