Call for Papers: Against the Grain
DuBose, Stefanie 24 Mar 2005 21:23 UTC
Please pardon the duplication.
You are invited to contribute papers for the June 2005 issue of Against the Grain. This issue will be devoted to training librarians for acquisitions and collection development.
Possible article topics include:
--What is the relationship between acquisitions and collection development?
--What are the best practices for training acquisitions librarians?
--What do collection development librarians need to know about acquisitions?
--Conversely, what do acquisitions librarians need to know about collection development?
--Training guidelines for collection development librarians (choosing formats, introduction to the work, getting to know your subject area, etc.)
--Budget allocations - how acquisitions and collection development work together
-Administrative structure of acquisitions, collection development, monographs and serials
Against the Grain is the trade journal for acquisitions librarians, vendors and publishers that focuses on current issues and trends in the field. Against the Grain is a partially refereed publication, and articles are usually 2000 -- 2500 words in length. Articles proposals and/or abstracts of articles should be submitted by April 2005. The final deadline for submission of the articles themselves is May 2005. If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact the guest editor.
Stefanie DuBose
Stefanie DuBose
Head, Acquisitions
Academic Library Services
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27258-4353