Re: III users - do you add item records for your periodicals? Christine Freeman 24 Mar 2005 19:11 UTC


We at Texas A&M University  - Corpus Christi are in the middle of the
same project. We are adding item records for statistical purposes and we
are also changing the way in which we shelve our periodicals from alpha
by title to LC classification. We have started with our microfilm
collection first though to work out any kinks before we tackle the main
print collection. The biggest problem that we have come across is that a
bib. record can only support 3000 item records, then you have to have
another bib record.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.

-Christine Freeman

Christine Freeman
Serials Assistant
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Mary and Jeff Bell Library
6300 Ocean Drive
Corpus Christi, Tx 78412-5702

(361) 825-2356


>>> kdw212f@SMSU.EDU 03/23/05 4:48 PM >>>
We are Innovative Interface users in a preliminary process of
the possibility of adding item records for our bound periodicals. My
question for III users who add item records for your bound periodicals
is are you doing this mostly for circulation purposes or for
purposes? Since our bound periodicals circulate to a limited user
we are more interested in the implications for statistical than
circulation purposes. However, we would be interested in feedback from
any III users who do add item records for their bound periodicals.
are the main challenges in adding this process, both from systems and
workflow considerations? Also, for those III users who don't add item
records what are your reasons for not doing so?

Thank you in advance,

Kyle D. Winward

Assistant Collection Development Librarian/Assistant Professor

Duane G. Meyer Library

Southwest Missouri State University

901 South National Avenue

Springfield, MO 65804-0095

Office: 417-836-7695

Fax: 417-836-4764
