Re: policies regarding title retention in a world of print and databases Tian Zhang 02 Mar 2005 16:22 UTC

Our basic policy regarding the selection for print and electronic
version is that we will always select the electronic version if possible
(since we have several campuses). As for those titles included in
databases we subscribe, we will consider the following aspects: 1. the
full text coverage period, if it is up to present time, we will consider
canceling that title; 2. the database which we can browse the journal
titles, such as  Jstor, Project Muse, ProQuest, Ebscohost, we will
cancel our title. If it has no title browse function, such as Lexis
Nexis, Wilson, Gale, we will still keep our print subscription for the
same title included in those databases.

Tian Zhang
Serials Librarian
St. John's University Library
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
Tel. 718 990-5082
Fax. 718 990-5938

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Janie Jones
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] policies regarding title retention in a world of
print and databases


Has anyone recently revisited policies for title retention in a
print/electronic access environment?  The decision to keep or cancel
subscriptions has been complicated by database licensing, and this needs
to be factored into a policy.

If anyone has addressed this, and would be willing to share with me, I
would be grateful!  Feel free to answer me directly.

Thanks to this very helpful community!

Janie Jones

Periodicals Librarian

Dick Smith Library

Tarleton State University

Stephenville TX