Re: Mobil travel guide. Northwest & Alaska
Steve Shadle 24 Jan 2005 16:44 UTC
Robert -- I don't disagree with your judgment about change of scope, but
only want to point out that Alaska is the *sixth* word in the title ("&"
is a word), thus added after the first five.
My guess is that the cataloger working on it considerred Alaska implicitly
part of the Northwest and didn't consider it a change of scope. --Steve
On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Bothmann, Robert L wrote:
> The 2003 and 2004 editions of "Mobil travel guide. Northwest" do not
> contain Alaska and DO contain some western Canadian provinces.
> The 2005 "Mobil travel guide. Northwest & Alaska" covers Alaska, Idaho,
> Oregon, and Washington, but no Canadian provinces.
> Per AACR2 rule 21.2C2, the addition of Alaska to the first 5 words
> constitutes a major title change. The change in content (addition of
> Alaska, deletion of Canadian coverage) of the publication appears to me
> to also be a major change. Also, I can't seem to make this change in
> title fit any of the conditions in 21.2C2b.
> Clarification, explanation would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> *******************************************
> Robert Bothmann
> Electronic Access/Catalog Librarian
> Minnesota State University, Mankato
> Voice: 507-389-2010
> Fax: 507-389-5155