Re: Berlin-3 Open Access Conference, Southampton, Feb 28 - Mar 1 2005 Stevan Harnad 14 Jan 2005 16:46 UTC

> The 3rd international conference on implementing the Berlin Declaration
> on Open Acess will take place in Southampton February 28 - March 1 2005.
> Contact details for the programme:
>         Dr. Hans F Hoffmann (CERN)
>         Tel. +41 22 7675458/2849
>         Fax  +41 22 7823011
> Temporary contact for the local host at Southampton:
>         Dr. Steve Hitchcock

Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 16:44:40 +0100
From: Georg Botz <>

Draft Programme

February 28 (Day 1)
12.30   Buffet lunch
1.30    Welcome by a senior official of the University of Southampton

Session 1 (Chair: TBA)
1.45    Key-note address by Professor Tony Hey "E-Science and Open Access"
2.30    Johannes Fournier "The DFG study of author experience of open access"
3.00    Recent JISC studies - e.g. the business models study - to be presented
            by somebody from JISC
3.30    Tea/coffee break

Session 2 (Chair: tbd)
4.00    Francoise Vandooren - "The EU scientific publishing study"
4.30 - 6.00 Brief reports from delegates on implementation of the Berlin
            Declaration in their organisations

        TBA NN, (Southampton University)
        Michael Erben-Russ (FhG)
        Eloy Rodrigues (Universidade do Minho)
        Georg Botz (Max Planck Society)

7.00    Dinner

March 1 (Day 2)
Session 3 (Chair: TBA)
         Before the first item: The OA Policy to Southampton University (NN)
9.00    The roadmap : presentation on the latest version of the roadmap
        (Schloegl/Friend TBA?)
9.45    Break-out groups to consider the roadmap in detail
11.00   Tea/coffee break
11.30   Plenary discussion on the implementation of the roadmap (NN)
12.30   Closing speeches, including any formal commitment by new
        organizations to join the Berlin Declaration.
        Announcement of next conference
1.00    Buffet lunch and depart.

> Temporary contact for the local host at Southampton:
>         Dr. Steve Hitchcock
> Prior Amsci Threads:
>     "Berlin Declaration on Open Access" (Oct 2003)
>     "Draft letter for institutions to sign
>     to implement Berlin Declaration" (Dec 2003)
>     "May 12 CERN meeting on implementing
>     the Berlin Declaration" (May 2004)
>     "Next follow-up Open Access Conference
>     or workshop in Southampton/UK" (Nov 2004)