ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group in Boston J. Albano 10 Jan 2005 21:07 UTC

Please mark your calendar for the ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group
meeting at ALA midwinter in Boston

Saturday, January 15, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Sheraton Beacon F

Two presentations are scheduled to generate conversation.  Deborah M. Thomas,
Digital Projects Coordinator for the National Digital Newspaper Program, will
speak about the NEH/LC project to digitize newspapers.

Pennsylvania State University has successfully completed year 1 of its 2-year
NEH grant - Congrats!  Sue Kellerman, Head of the Preservation Department at
Penn State, will talk about the selection decision process that they developed
and followed to select titles to film.

We will also have a brief discussion about newspaper genre headings.

Additional discussion topics on newspaper-related items are always

Hope to see you there!

Jessica Albano and Sharon Clark
Co-Chairs, ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group