Nominations Sought by GODORT for Notable Documents Pamela Bluh 08 Dec 2004 15:20 UTC

Posted on behalf of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)



I am the Selector of International Documents for the American Library
Association's Government Documents Round Table (GODORT). GODORT is
soliciting nominations for notable documents published in 2004. Please read
the notice below and respond to Linda Johnson if you have any titles you
wish to nominate.  Many thanks.

Maxine Grosshans
Research Librarian
Thurgood Marshall Law Library
501 West Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Dear Colleague:

The Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) of the American Library
Association is soliciting nominations of documents for its annual Notable
Documents selection.  We are looking for the best of state/local,
international and federal documents published in the year 2004.  The final
selection will be published in the May 15, 2005 issue of Library Journal.
This list serves many libraries as an important collection development

The nomination form can be found online at:

You may e-mail, fax or mail the form to:
Linda Johnson
Head, Government Documents
University of New Hampshire
Dimond Library
18 Library Way
Durham, NH 03824

TEL: 603-862-2453
FAX: 603-862-0247

Please respond by December 31, 2004.

Thanking you in advance for your help.