Re: Something of an ethics question
Diane M Lewis 02 Dec 2004 22:10 UTC
Alan May wrote:
"Some people who catalog are, out of necessity, performing several roles,
so, understandably, they are going
to make mistakes."
As one who currently wears a number of hats in a constantly shrinking
library, I think Alan makes an excellent point. In fact, cataloging (which
I escaped from after 3 years) was a constantly humbling experience. If
they came looking for me to wear the cataloger's hat again, I'd run out of
here screaming...
Diane M. Lewis, Serial Records Librarian
Exchange & Gift Unit
U.S. Geological Survey Library--MS950
Reston, Virginia 20192 USA
Tel.: 703-648-4399
Fax: 703-648-6376
Opinions expressed are my own, not my agency's!
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and
the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can't eat
money."--Cree proverb
"Liberty and democracy become unholy when their hands are dyed red with
innocent blood."--Mathatma Gandhi