Re: Printing from JSTOR Schaubhut, Diana 01 Dec 2004 20:06 UTC

The only problem we have with pdf files is when someone uses the browser
printer icon instead of the icon with the program.  The browser icon
results in blank pages.

Diana Schaubhut
Serials/Interlibrary Loan
Blaine S. Kern Library
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
4123 Woodland Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131
phone:  (504) 398-2103
fax:  (504)  391-2421
a ministry of the Marianites of Holy Cross

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of mgodbout
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 3:21 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Printing from JSTOR

I'm not sure that this list is where I should turn to for this
problem but I'm hoping that someone has encountered the
problem and has come up with a workaround solution.

We subscribe to JSTOR but our students are having difficulty
printing articles because they are PDF files and the printer
does not process these files very well.  Has anyone encountered
this problem and if so, what is the solution.

Thank you for any suggestions.
Muriel K. Godbout
Systems Librarian
Long Library
Wells College
Aurora, New York  13026
Tel: (315) 364-3355
Fax: (315) 364-3412
Fax: 775-244-9826