A date for your diary: 2005 ASA Conference: New Forms of Information
Supply - 28 Feb and 1st March 2005, RCN, London, UK
This year's ASA conference is about New Forms of Information Supply
including some interesting presentations on global and multi site
licensing as well as OA and Institutional repositories. Full programme
on http://www.subscription-agents.org/conference/200502/index.html but a
quick list of speakers and topics is given below. (apologies for any
cross postings).
The corporate need for information professionals
Cris Kinghorn, Director, Business Information Services - Europe and
Africa, Deutsche Bank AG, London
Academic requirements for information supply - virtual libraries in the
scholarly world
John Lancaster, Librarian, University of Huddersfield
Information management and the transition to electronic provision in the NHS
Scott Gibbens, NHS Core Content Group
Information management and the transition to electronic provision in the
defence research industry
Geoff Kerrison, Manager - Information Management, QinetiQ ltd
What's in a licence?
Arnold Hirshon, Executive Director, NELINET Consortium, USA
Site licensing and personal subscriptions - competitive or
Della Sar, Marketing Director, Nature Publishing Group (to be confirmed)
How to budget for the multi-site licence
Stephen Phillips, Head of Global Business Information Services, Morgan
Is pay-per-view more cost effective than global/site licensing
Per Sulg, Global Journal Service Manager, AstraZeneca
Access and infrastructure for the specialist community
Rossella Proscia, Marketing Director, Ovid Technologies
Open Access in practice Martin Richardson, Director - Journals Division,
Oxford University Press
Impact of Open Access
Jim Pringle, Vice President of Development, ISI
Open Access
Chris Beckett, Scholarly Information Strategies Ltd
Self archiving and the subscription model - impacts on publishers
Michael Mabe, Director of Academic Relations, Elsevier
Institutional Repositories - the state of the art
Rachel Bruce, Programme Manager and Acting Team
Rollo Turner
Secretary General
Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries
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