Re: Core Journals Kelly Joyce 19 Nov 2004 14:43 UTC

Hello:  I've recently finished a similar project.  I also used Katz
Magazines for Libraries, and further broke it down by our academic depts.

I listed each academic dept. subject area, those that Katz considered BASIC
(for academic libraries only), then in a separate section, listed the
journals that Katz considers "SUGGESTED".

After each title, I listed our libraries' holdings (or the fact that we
didn't get it) and the cost.  If it was not received, then I listed the
Katz entry number and made photocopies of all those titles we did not receive.

At the bottom of each subject/dept., I also listed those journals we
receive in that area that are NOT listed in Katz.  The director and I then
met with each academic dept. to review those journals rec'd in each subject
area.  (of course, there was substantial overlap in some subjects).  The
photocopies of those titles not rec'd was given to dept. head so they could
review titles that looked interesting.

It was a way to not only review what's currently received (in some cases,
there were journals the faculty was unaware were rec'd at the library) as
well as a way to pull together all revelant journal titles by dept.,
something that had never been done.

All in all, it was an enormous project, taking over a year to complete (we
have 27 depts.), but a very worthwhile one.  The result was cancelling of
some titles that were not required for the discipline as well as adding a
few new ones that were needed.

Hope this is useful.

  - Kelly

At 08:32 AM 11/19/2004, you wrote:
>Hi Lois,
>I've always used Katz's Magazines for Libraries  as a benchmark.
>Obviously, Katz includes all libraries but academic libraries whose
>institutions offer an udergraduate degree in let's say Philosophy need
>to maintain a cire collection and Katz is the best tool around.  Also,
>look at academic libraries that you identify with (based on population,
>degree offers, etc.) and see what they have.
>Ed Gil
>Periodicals Librarian
>Harry A Sprague Library
>Montclair State University
>Lois Schultz wrote:
>>We are trying to determine a core list of journals for our collection.
>>These would be journals that we would not cut in times of budget cuts.
>>Has anyone developed a core list?  If so, I am interested in what
>>criteria was used in selecting the titles, how it was accepted by the
>>teaching faculty, and how well  it is working?  Thanks for any insights
>>Lois Schultz
>>Professor and Head of Technical Services
>>263 Steely Library
>>Northern Kentucky University
>>Highland Heights, KY 41099
>Kelly Joyce
>Periodicals and Reference Librarian
>Duggan Library
>Hanover College
>121 Scenic Drive
>Hanover, IN  47243
>A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life
>when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never
>sit.      - D. Elton Trueblood