The HELIN Consortium in Rhode Island shares an Innovative Interfaces
catalog among 9 academic and 13 hospital libraries (and uses In Reach
software, which we call "In Rhode" to search the catalog of our 10th
academic library member). The 9 academics recently loaded Serials
Solutions MARC records for our e-serials into our shared catalog: <>
URLs are in the bib records, one for every library that has any
holdings, and they take you to Serials Solutions. So, the hyperlink that
says "View available full text for RIC" takes you to the display you
would see if you searched the same title on the RIC Serials Solutions
list. You read the dates and select the link to the e-journal from there
(or return to the catalog to look for paper if the dates you need aren't
available online). Our users are very happy with this, and so far, so is
our systems office.
I'll send Shana the e-mail address of the person who can answer the rest
of her questions off list.
Judith E. Stokes, Serials Librarian
Adams Library, Rhode Island College
600 Mt. Pleasant Avenue
Providence, RI 02908
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Shana McDanold
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 12:11 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Shared-catalogs and vender loaded MARC records
Good morning.
Saint Louis University libraries are part of a consortium of 5 other
institutions in Missouri, and we have a shared catalog (called MERLIN).
Recently the proposal of loading MARC records for our e-serials through
a vendor (Serials Solutions, SFX, etc.) was brought up and we are
evaluating the possible effects of it, both for us in technical services
and our users. We are currently using the single-record system, so this
would be a change to separate records for each format.
I was wondering if anyone that shares a catalog with another institution
and loads MARC records for e-serials would be willing to share their
experiences. We have loaded records for NetLibrary, but the access was
purchased for everyone, as opposed to e-serials where each institution
has different access and thus different URLs, not to mention different
We are specifically interested in:
*issues of how to handle the display of multiple URLs from multiple
institutions (are they in your bib records, items or check-ins?)
*the loading process
*loss of access to a title (everyone or just a few libraries...deletion
*and anything else that has come up as an issue that wasn't necessarily
anticipated (other display issues?, user feedback?, etc.)
Thanks in advance for your time and help! I will summarize responses
for the list if anyone is interested.
Shana L. McDanold
Serials (and Non-Print Formats) Cataloger
Pius XII Memorial Library
Saint Louis University
Phone: (314) 977-3098