Re: Counting Electronic Journals
Eva Sorrell 26 Oct 2004 16:07 UTC
Sorry if I missed a thread, but are we refering to ARL statistics here?
We are trying to figure these out right now and I have a couple of
questions of my own.
1. Are people reporting all paid electronic journal titles or just those
for which the title has not ceased? I feel that we should count all
titles for which we pay access regardless of whether the title ceased or
has limited coverage.
2. How about for free titles? Only active titles or all titles we
provide access to (even if ceased)?
Eva Sorrell
Head, Electronic Resources &
Federal Documents Cataloging
UC Irvine Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-3837 (Voice)
(949) 824-2059 (Fax)
On 10/25/2004 6:55 PM, SERIALST Moderator wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:36:25 -0400
>From: Edwardo Gil <>
>Subject: Counting Electronic Journals
>We count electronic journal titles where we have a paid subscription
>either individually or collectively (eg., Project Muse). There are two
>other free access sites Highwire Press and DOA Directory of Open Access
>Journals both providing free periodical titles full-text. Do you folks
>count only the paid subscriptions or are you beginning to include the
>free subscriptions such as DOA.
>Thank you,
>Ed Gil
>Sprague Library
>Montclair State University
>Upper Montclair, NJ 07043