First of all, thanks to everyone that wrote. I appreciated any assistance
with this title. Second of all, to whomever sent me the email address for
the following publisher/vendor, thanks. Third of all, it appears that
L'Osservatore Romano is no longer available on Microfilm -- see below.
Thanks again for all of the help in tracking this one down!
Debra Ham
Serials Specialist
Reinert Alumni Memorial Library
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
-----Original Message-----
From: Valli, Filippo []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 10:11 AM
Cc: Diven, Yvette; Kowalska, Ewa
Subject: L'Osservatore Romano
Debra Ham
Reinert Alumni Memorial Library
Creighton University
Dear Ms. Ham:
L'Osservatore Romano switched to CD ROM and no longer uses microfilm. The
period 1968-1996 is archived in a set of four CDs and there is one CD per
year for each year thereafter. The cost is $75.00 per CD plus $3.00 for
shipping and handling. Subscriptions to L'Osservatore Romano and the CDs
are available from:
The Cathedral Foundation
PO Box 777
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
Tel: 443-524-3150
Best regards
Filippo Valli
RR Bowker