Re: catalogued periodicals that arrive as PDF files via e-mail Robert Dowd 13 Oct 2004 16:46 UTC

Yes ... and no.  We often receive periodicals from New York State agencies
as e-mail attachments, but as far as we can determine, most issues are
also represented on the internet by a URL.  Our procedure here is to
collect both types, the online and the e-mailed, but then we use a PURL
for our collection location in the 856 field instead of what could be
transitory state agency URLs, even though we make note of them on the date
of acquisition, e.g. <> ...
clicking on the 'document' icon displays the metadata that indicate how
and when each issue was acquired, the earliest in this example by e-mail.
See OCLC #56512345 for description.

Robert Dowd
Senior Librarian
Documents Section
New York State Library
Cultural Education Center
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12230

>>> Carol.Bream@CEC.EU.INT 10/13/04 11:14AM >>>

Has anyone out there catalogued periodicals that arrive as PDF files via
e-mail and don't exist in any other format?

How do you catalogue these? If you add any kind of 856 what format does it
take and which subfields do you use?


Carol Bream
Réseaubib Service Manager
Central Library
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

* +32-2-295.29 80 (direct phone)
* +32-2-299.98.17 (fax)