Candidate RSS/Web Feeds for Library Services Gerry Mckiernan 08 Oct 2004 19:54 UTC


I am greatly interested in learning about additional candidates for
either/all of my registries devoted to
RSS/Web feeds for enhanced library services

1. RSS(sm): Rich Site Services
[ ]

RSS(sm): Rich Site Services is a categorized registry of library
services that are delivered or provided through RSS/XML, Atom, or other
types of Web feeds

2. eFeeds(sm): Web Feeds from Electronic Journals

eFeeds(sm): Web Feeds from Electronic Journals is a categorized
registry of electronic journals that offer RSS/XML, Atom, or other Web
feeds. Publisher-specific and vendor Web feeds are categorized in a
separate category.

3. B-Feeds(sm): Web Feeds for Books and Monographs
 [ ]

B-Feeds(sm): Web Feeds for Books and Monographs is a categorized
registry of sites that offer RSS/XML, Atom, or other Web feeds, to
compilations, directories, lists, reviews, or other relevant sources
for/or about academic or scholarly books or monographic works

In addition, I am also interested in learning of key publications/ Web
sites/tutorials for potential inclusion in
my  RSS(sm) General Bibliography [ ]

BTW: I will be giving a presentation at the Library of Congress titled

"Seize The Feed: Content Syndication for Enhanced Governmental
Information Services"

[ ] on Monday, October 18,
 2004, 12- 3,
[Room 139, Madison Building].

This Brown Bag presentation is co-sponsored by the FLICC Content
Management Working Grou  [ ] and the Science,
Technology, & Business Division of the Library of Congress.

The presentation is Open to the Public, but Pre-Registration is
[contact FLICC at 202-707-4800 (voice), 202-707-4818 (fax),

Seating is Limited [60 Max] and is available on a first-come/firstserve



Gerry McKiernan
Syndicated Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011