Re: Tracking Periodicals (2 messages) SERIALST Moderator 26 Oct 2004 21:25 UTC

2 messages, 74 lines:

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:29:56 -0700
From: "Carol Morse" <>
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Tracking Periodicals

We use an old-fashioned, low-tech method. Every term we print out a list
of microforms and periodicals in the stacks (not the ones in storage)
with spaces between each title and put it in a 3-ring binder. The
students pick up every couple of hours and come and mark slashes for
each title. At the end of the quarter we put the stats into an Excel
file. It has proved very helpful in deciding what to cancel. This
process was started in the early 90's before I came, and I have been
very grateful for it. We are a relatively small college (1800 students).
I realize this would be too cumbersome a process for a large library. We
don't barcode everything, either, to save money. We count bound as one.

Hope this helps.
Carol Morse

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 15:25:43 -0400
From: Carrie Eastman <>
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Tracking Periodicals

I have just started periodical usage statistics as of June 2004 and simply
keep the data in an Excel spreadsheet.  Of course this all depends on how
large your collection is.  I simply enter the Title, year (or range if
several years are bound together, the barcode, and who is using it (i.e.
ILL,  On-Site, or Staff).  Most of our bound journals were barcoded, but not
all, before I came here (stats are a good way to find out what still needs
to be done) and I believe it was done with the intention of getting a better
handle on knowing our inventory and maintaining it in the future.  I count
the bound periodicals as one item (especially if they are already barcoded),
but in general I am focusing just on the title, year of publication and who
my user is.  I currently I am not focusing on number of times used.  I guess
it is important to establish what you want to know from your statistics,
right now I really only want to know what is being used and by whom do that
our Serials Committee can get a better idea of what is being used so we can
decide if we are going to continue subscribing to them or not.  Hope this

C. Eastman
Wheelock College Library

----- Original Message -----
From: "Morris, Monique C" <Monique.Morris@LSC.VSC.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Tracking Periodicals

> We want to track our periodical use.  Our periodicals do not circulate
> or leave the building, so we do not have barcodes on our collection.  We
> are interested in hearing from others who are keeping track of their
> print and microform collections.
> How do you do it?  Do you use barcodes and roll-o-dex cards?  Or do you
> use a database or software? Do you count the bound periodicals as one
> item or as the amount of actual magazines that are bound?
> Thank you for any information you can supply.
> --------------------------------------
> Monique Morris
> Lyndon State College
> Samuel Read Hall Library
> 1001 College Rd.
> Lyndonville, VT 05851-0919
> (802)626-6364
> (802)626-4807 fax