2nd call for NASIG proposals
Anne McKee 06 Oct 2004 17:41 UTC
In preparation for the NASIG 2005 Annual Conference to be held May 19-22,
2005at The Hilton Minneapolis and Towers in Minneapolis, MN, the Program
Planning Committee is issuing a second and final targeted call for
proposals. After reviewing the proposals we have received during the
first call and trying to identify elements of a comprehensive program, the
Committee is interested in proposals that address the following topics:
Funding strategies
Off-site storage issues related to cataloging, inventory & management
Helping patrons understand the serials crisis
New licensing issues
How to write and respond to RFPs
Blogs and wikis in libraries, including whether to catalog and/or provide
access, how they are being used
Archiving debates: PubMED vs LOCKSS vs publisher sites
Embargo vs open access for NIH articles
Effect of the aggregator-neutral record on serials cataloging practice
FRBR and continuing resources
The idea of seriality in cataloging
MARC holdings
Presentation Skills
Profession in general (recruiting, etc.)
The Program Planning Committee will review all submitted proposals for
their content, timeliness, and relevance to the conference theme and
reserves the right to combine, blend, or refocus proposals to maximize
their relevance and to avoid duplication. In addition, the Committee will
treat all submissions as suggestions and guideposts. Time management
issues and reimbursement guidelines generally limit each session to two
speakers. Also note that proposals may be suggested as one type of
session and/or format and ultimately be accepted as any one of the other
types of sessions or formats; this decision is the purview of the Program
Planning Committee.
For more information about the North American Serials Interest Group,
please see: http://www.nasig.org.
For complete program information, please see the original Call for
Proposals and Program Ideas Suggestions at:
NASIG has a reimbursement policy for conference speakers whose
organizations do not cover expenses. For more information about this
policy, please see: http://www.nasig.org/public/reimbursement_policy.htm
To suggest a proposal, please fill out the submission form available at:
http://www.nasig.org/public/forms/idea.htm. The deadline for this call
for proposals and ideas is November 3, 2004.
Anne E. McKee
Past President/Publicist