Re: Project Muse titles Pennington, Buddy D. 20 Sep 2004 15:52 UTC

Check out the link:

Buddy Pennington
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
UMKC - University Libraries
800 E. 51st Street
Kansas City, MO  64110
816-333-5584 (fax)

UMKC University Libraries: Connecting Learners to the World of Knowledge

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Beverly Dowdy
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Project Muse titles

Does anyone have information that Duke UP journals are pulling out of
Project Muse beginning in 2005 and setting up their own package?  I saw
this posted on another list, but cannot verify either on the Project
Muse website or the Duke Univ. press website.

Beverly A. Dowdy, MLIS

Serials Librarian

Chambers Library

University of Central Oklahoma

100 North University Drive

Edmond, OK  73034

405-974-2901  voice

405-974-3874  fax