Re: Check-in with SISAC barcodes? Deej Baker 17 Sep 2004 15:11 UTC

I can try it on the Sirsi module if you need.

Deej Baker                      voice:  434-924-4958
Cataloging/Periodicals          fax:  434-982-4579
P.O. BOX 400151
Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA  22904-4151

--On Thursday, September 16, 2004 2:57 PM -0500 "Mays, Allison"
<maysap@MILLSAPS.EDU> wrote:

> Serialists -
> I need your help. A friend at the ASCSA wants to make sure the barcode
> they plan to put on their journal actually works. The journal is
> Hesperia. I can't send the PDF file with the sample barcodes to the
> listserv, so if you check-in your journals with barcodes and are willing
> to give this a shot, please let me know. Answers from various ILS's
> would be great.
> Thanks!!
> Allison
> Allison P. Mays
> Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
> Millsaps College
> 1701 N. State Street
> Jackson, MS 39210
> 601-974-1083