Announcement: cufts2marc (Mark Jordan) SERIALST Moderator 07 Sep 2004 17:19 UTC

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 09:23:57 -0700
From: Mark Jordan <>
Subject: Announcement: cufts2marc


I would like to announce the availability of cufts2marc
(, a web-based
utility for generating title-level USMARC bibliographic records for the
ejournal collections described in the CUFTS link resolver knowledgebase
( CUFTS, which contains current title lists for
approximately 240 ejournal collections, is part of the reSearcher suite of
open source tools ( for locating and managing
electronic information resources, developed at Simon Fraser University on
behalf of the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries

Records produced by cufts2marc include the following: vendor-provided
title, print ISSN, E-ISSN, title-level URLs, extent information, and
embargo periods. Users can also add a number of optional control and note
fields. The records do not include alternative titles, publisher, call
numbers, or subject headings.

cufts2marc is based on jake2marc, which was released in mid 2000 but which
has not been updated since late 2001. At that time, a number of people
made useful suggestions on how to improve jake2marc, and these suggestions
have been incorporated into cufts2marc.

More information is available at
. I welcome feedback on this service and hope that people find it useful.


Mark Jordan
Acting Coordinator of Library Systems
W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada
Phone (604) 291 5753 / Fax (604) 291 3023 /