Re: New publication? Bennett, Karla 01 Sep 2004 16:43 UTC

Thank you so much for your suggestions.  It does have an issue date on the
newsletter so I will probably end up with a separate entry cross-referencing
the magazine and newsletter.  Thanks again, Karla

-----Original Message-----
From: Enrique Gildemeister [mailto:RGildem550@AOL.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] New publication?

In a message dated 8/31/2004 9:55:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,
KBennett@WICHITA.GOV writes:

I would like some suggestions on handling the change that Inventors'
Digest has implemented.  They have switched from a bi-monthly magazine to
publishing a newsletter 8x's a year and the magazine 4x's.  The front of
the newsletter says "The Newsletter of Inventors' Digest" but the
publishers info says "Inventors' Digest the Newsletter".  The ISSN number
for the newsletter is the same as for the magazine.  Do I enter the
Newsletter in the same record as the Magazine as supplements?  Do I create
a new record for the Newsletters apart from the magazine?  There is no
volume or issue numbering on the newsletter but there is on the magazine.
Please help.

Karla Bennett
Wichita Public  Library
223 S. Main
Wichita, KS 67202
What is  reading, but silent conversation. -Walter Savage Landor,  writer


I've been faced with this exact same situation myself, when I was
cataloging a collection of radical publications in an RLIN library, with
no CONSER documentation at hand.  Here's what I did and what I would
suggest you do:

Check OCLC and RLIN, if you have access to them.  RLIN is especially
helpful because you can get a display of each individual library's
records, i.e. several opinions.

I would treat the newsletter as a separate publication.  I would prefer
the title as given at the head of the newsletter (the "caption") but make
a title added entry for the other form. However, first be sure there is a
chronological designation/issue date on the newsletter.  If there is not,
then consider it as a supplement and don't make a separate record.

If there is an issue date, then treat it as a separate title.  Make a
"Continued in part by" note on your record for the magazine; and, on the
record you set up for the newsletter, make a "Separated from" note.

If the newsletter gets treated as a separate title, then consider the ISSN
on the newsletter to be invalid. If you are inputting into OCLC there is a
subfield code in the 022 field where one puts invalid numbers.

Not actually seeing "the whites of its eyes" I think that's about all I
can say.  This is an unusual serials conundrum, and any action you take,
if you input it into OCLC, will most likely be gratefully accepted by the
rest of the library community.

But maybe some other list members know of a standard solution documented


Rick Gildemeister