Charleston Conference (was: MARC Records for E-Journals)(fwd) Stephen Clark 11 Aug 2004 17:48 UTC

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Barbara Blummer asked below about information on the
Charleston Conference.  For all interested in this conference, please go to
this site:

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Blummer []
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:02 AM
To: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] FW: MARC Records for E-Journals

Would someone please provide me with information on the Charleston

Thank you
Barbara Blummer

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Heather Miller
>Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:52 AM
>Subject: MARC Records for E-Journals
>For this November's Charleston Conference, I am looking for librarians from
>libraries that have MARC records for e-journals in their OPACs.
>We would like to put together a panel discussion on this topic and would
>like to find several people who could share their experiences - how the
>decision was made, what it took to get the records in the OPAC, whether
>are full records, one record per title or several, whether you have MARC
>records for all or just some e-journals, whether your library also has a
>list, your thinking on the pros and cons of all this, etc. etc.
>So, if you plan to attend the conference and would like to tell about your
>experiences with MARC records for e-journals or if you would simply like to
>tell me your story but not participate in the panel, I'd like to hear from
>you. I'd like to find several people with different experiences, so please
>tell me enough to make that determination.
>One panelist will be from SUNY Albany where we have MARC records in the
>for all e-journals. We do not have a separate web list of e-journals. (A
>description of our experience can be found in The Serials Librarian, v.46,
>no.1/2 (2004), pp. 83-98).
>Thank you very much in advance!
>Heather S. Miller, Assistant
>Director for Technical Services and Systems
>University Libraries, SUNY Albany