Re: Value of Periodicals vtaffurelli 05 Aug 2004 16:55 UTC


How do you distinguish between titles you check in and those you don't
when you are sorting the incoming mail?

Virginia Taffurelli
Head of Technical Processing
Science, Industry and Business Library
The New York Public Library
188 Madison Avenue
New York NY  10016-4314
Phone: (212) 592-7234
FAX: (212) 592-7233

Rick Anderson <rickand@UNR.EDU> wrote:

> However, many of our scholarly journals are more valuable
> than books and in many cases are irreplaceable if not claimed
> in a timely manner.

FWIW, that's one situation that we treat as an exception here at U
Nevada Reno.  While we have eliminated routine check-in of most
periodicals, we do continue to check in very expensive titles and those
few high-use, graphics-intensive titles that we intend to bind.

Rick Anderson
Dir. of Resource Acquisition
University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
(775) 784-6500 x273