Re: Accuracy (RE: [SERIALST] dropping serial check-in?)
Abbott, Kent h 04 Aug 2004 21:47 UTC
This discussion sort of reminds me of when outsourcing cataloging in
academic libraries was first started. A number of negative comments were
made by people who hadn't actually studied the situation. In this case, I
think people should read our esteemed colleague's paper before commenting.
He did say, either in the paper or in an e-mail message, that what they
did at RENO, might not be for everyone.
I found the article, which I have in a pile somewhere, to be quite thought
provoking. We haven't implemented it ... yet. But, it is something to
think about for our periodicals (issued more than once a year), or some
variation of what they did at Reno. In fact, we have stopped claiming for
daily and weekly publications for which we have limited retention, most,
or all, of which are probably available online. But, we wouldn't consider
it for our serials (issued once a year or less frequently).
I look forward to reading more articles like this about creative solutions
other libraries have taken.
Kent Abbott
Head Technical Services Librarian
Jackson Library
Graduate School of Business
Stanford University