Re: Citation (RE: [SERIALST] dropping serial check-in?) Mays, Allison 04 Aug 2004 14:53 UTC

I heard Rick speak on this at NASIG in Williamsburg; it was very
compelling and provocative. His main points, for those of you who want
the quick & dirty version, were: they had money for document delivery
but not more staff; staff was spending 80% of their time on only about
20% of the work; some items claimed you never receive or items checked
in are missing from the shelf, so you have to get by doc delivery
anyway. (correct me if I'm wrong, Rick).

People brought up some interesting points: issues of accreditation and
auditing, what happens with your vendor if you do try to claim, do you
lose credibility with your vendor.

It's a very intriguing topic, and obviously not for everyone. Rick, you
should do a follow-up article, let us know how it's worked out, any
repercussions, etc. Would be a good article for Against the Grain. I'd
be especially interested to hear about how this went with your vendor,
if you even felt compelled to tell them.

Allison P. Mays
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Millsaps College
1701 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39210

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Anderson [mailto:rickand@UNR.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 9:13 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Citation (RE: [SERIALST] dropping serial check-in?)

Here's a citation to the article my boss and I wrote on eliminating
serial check-in.  I don't want to revive the long and, er, spirited
thread on this issue that arose on SERIALST a couple of years ago when
the subject first came up, but if anyone wants to contact me directly
with questions or comments about check-in, please feel free.

Also, I can email a copy of this article to anyone who doesn't have
access to it otherwise.

(And just for the record, we did this at U. Nevada Reno, not Las Vegas.)

Anderson, Rick and Steven D. Zink. "Implementing the Unthinkable: The
Demise of Periodical Check-in at the University of Nevada." Library
Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 27 (Spring 2003):

Rick Anderson
Dir. of Resource Acquisition
University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
(775) 784-6500 x273