Re: dropping serial check-in? Pamela Bluh 04 Aug 2004 13:28 UTC

At the University of Maryland Law Library we stopped checking in dailies
and weeklies nearly two years ago.  We have had absolutely no negative
comments from our users and it has helped staff greatly to streamline
their workflow and concentrate on checking in (and creating publication
patterns) for other, more complicated titles.

Pamela Bluh
Associate Director for Technical
Services & Administration
Thurgood Marshall Law Library
University of Maryland
School of Law
501 West Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-1768

410-706-2372 FAX

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Cynthia Hsieh <chsieh@PACIFIC.EDU>
Sent: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 14:22:42 -0700
Subject: [SERIALST] dropping serial check-in?

> Hi,
> I wondered how many of you have dropped checking in serials?  Do you
> dropped all the check-ins or just selected types of serials? What are
> the pros and cons of this practice?
> After reading an article about the practice at Univ. of Nevada- Las
> Vegas, our library administration strongly encourages our library to
> drop checking all the serials.
> I feel comfortable to drop checking in weekly magazines, daily
> newspapers, and periodicals with online access; however, I am a
> little skeptical about expensive  periodical titles.  I am not sure
> if it will create more work by just dropping check-ins for selected
> titles since a new sorting procedure is needed.
> Any advices are greatly appreciated.
> Cynthia
> Cynthia Hsieh
> Head of Technical Services/Assistant Professor
> University Library
> University of the Pacific
> 3601 Pacific Ave.
> Stockton, CA 95211
> Tel: 209-946-2571
------- End of Original Message -------