Re: Use of WIKIs by Libraries Gerry Mckiernan 16 Aug 2004 15:55 UTC


Thanks for your interest and referral!

Have a GreatWeek!


>>> daleneh@STANFORD.EDU 8/16/2004 10:33:07 AM >>>
I know that the LOCKSS project uses
WIKIs:  Vicki Reich
the director of the project.


Dalene Hawthorne
Ordering Librarian
Acquisitions Department
Stanford University Libraries

At 09:14 AM 8/14/2004, you wrote:
>_Use of WIKIs by Libraries_
>I am greatly interested in the Use of WIKIs by Libraries for Any and
>All public or internal library services  (e.g., public services,
>technical services, administrative services, collection development,
>instruction, etc.).
>As defined by the Wikipedia (,
>WIKI is defined as:
>"A wiki (pronounced "wicky" or "weeky") is a website (or other
>hypertext document collection) that gives users the ability to add
>content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows that content to be
>edited by other users.
>The term can also refer to the collaborative software used to create
>such a website.
>Wiki (with a capital 'W') and WikiWikiWeb are sometimes used to refer
>to the Portland Pattern Repository, the first ever wiki. Proponents
>this usage suggest using a lower-case 'w' to distinguish the generic
>terms discussed here. Wiki wiki comes from the Hawaiian term for
>'quick' or 'super-fast'"
>BTW: The Wikipedia is itself an outstanding example of a WIKI!
>Gerry McKiernan
>Super-Fast Librarian
>Iowa State University
>Ames IA 50011