Resource sharing of periodical holdings Pennington, Buddy D. 30 Jun 2004 19:25 UTC

Hi all,

I am looking at resource sharing of periodical holdings with the
increase in consortia and union catalogs.  If you share a catalog with
other libraries (metropolitan, regional, state, etc.) can you let me
know how you handle the following:

*       Do you circulate your periodicals locally?
*       Do you share your periodical holdings?  That is, can a user from
another library request and checkout a periodical item from your library
in the shared catalog?
*       If you are part of a consortium that is part of a bigger
consortium (regions within a state, for example) do you share your
periodical holdings with the bigger consortium or just your immediate

If you do share your resources through a union catalog, could you also
provide me with information on circulation periods, how you handle
requests, request limits (only share bound volumes, etc.), benefits and
problems, etc.


Buddy Pennington
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
Miller Nichols Library
University of Missouri - Kansas City
800 E. 51st Street
Kansas City, MO  64110
816-333-5584 (fax)