RSS(sm): Rich Site Services General Bibliography Gerry Mckiernan 18 Jun 2004 17:14 UTC

__RSS(sm): Rich Site Services General Bibliography__

I am pleased to announce that one of my latest registries, _RSS(sm):
Rich Site Services_


now includes a General Bibliography of key articles / tutorials /
guides / presentations, etc. relating to  RSS, its use, and potential

] .

Currently, all items are hotlinked to their respective full-text

One of the most noteworthy entries is by Roddy MacLeod, (Senior Subject
Specialist, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) published earlier this
week in _FreePint_ [Roddy MacLeod, "RSS: Less Hype, More Action,"
_FreePint_ No. 161 (June 2004): 7-10].

I am greatly interested in adding ANY and ALL *other*relevant works to
the General Bibliography that relate to RSS and its potential for
enhancing *Library Services. [I am NOT interested in articles that deal
with RSS in general (unless they are exceptional)].



Gerry McKiernan
General Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011