MARS Hot Topics DG at ALA: Outsourcing MARC records for E-Journals Michael L. Bradford 13 Jun 2004 20:53 UTC

I am forwarding this message per a request from Carole Pilkinton, Electronic
Resources Librarian at the University of Notre Dame.

Michael L. Bradford
Supervisor, Serials Cataloging Unit
University Libraries of Notre Dame

Join MARS Hot Topics on Saturday, June 26 from 11:30 - 12:30 in the
Convention Center 312C.

Topic: Outsourcing MARC records for electronic journals holdings -- the
ultimate access solution?

Marvin Pollard from California State, and Toni Katz from Colby College will
share their experiences with the Ex Libris SFX MARCit! service and the
SerialsSolutions MARC records service. Time for audience questions and
discussion is included.

Carole Pilkinton
Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Notre Dame Libraries
(574) 631-8405