FW: Conference Announcement for posting -- The Serials Ecosystem -- Lesley Balcom Stephen Clark 08 Jun 2004 18:26 UTC


UNB Libraries is proud to present The Serials Ecosystem: Perspectives on
the Transition from Print to Electronic Journals at the  University of New
Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada on September 25 - 26, 2004.

Our conference will offer a wealth of interesting perspectives and diverse
opinions about the current and future direction of the online serials
ecosystem.  I am confident that attendees will gain valuable insights
useful for future planning.

We invite you to join us and to contribute to the discussions on the
complex transition from print to electronic journals. For registration and
further information please visit our conference website at

We look forward to seeing you in Fredericton!

John Teskey
Director, UNB Libraries