Qualifier needed? Latchney, Jim 20 May 2004 22:20 UTC

Here's my situation:
Crisalida (OCoLC)28165315, a serial, was added to OCLC on May 26, 1993 and didn't need a 130 at that time.
On Nov. 10, 1999, Crisalida (OCoLC)5099938, was added as a series authority record--unqualified.
Now, there is a conflict since the two are *not* the same.
I can either add a 130 to the serial record, i.e. the easier thing to do,
OR lock the series authority record, add the qualifier (Salobrena, Spain), add request bibliographic file maintenance to approx. 54 analytic records.
Which way should I go?

Jim Latchney
Catalog Librarian &  Reference Librarian, Serials
Michigan State University
100 Library
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048
(517) 432-6123 ext.317
(517) 353-8969 (FAX)