Re: Indexes Discarding SUSAN BEIDLER 13 May 2004 17:48 UTC

At my institution we do have some space issues so this past year we
withdrew the print volumes of indexes/abstracts that are duplicated in
the online databases we subscribe to.  For example, we kept the earlier
years of the Social Sciences Index, Humanities Index, and it's precursor
titles, but withdrew the more recent years that are included in the
online file.  We only did this for those titles we consider to be so
essential that we wouldn't consider dropping subscriptions to the online
databases.  We don't consider inclusion in or overlap through an
aggregator's product reliable enough to factor into the decision.


Sue Beidler
Snowden Library
Lycoming College
700 College Place
Williamsport PA 17701

phone: 570-321-4084
fax:      570 321-4090

>>> JRadcliff@TNSTATE.EDU 5/12/04 5:14:00 PM >>>
Hello Colleagues,

How many of you are holding onto your Indexes (Readers Guide,
etc.)?  I'm inclined to hold them since they come in handy when the
computers are down. Please give me your reasons to hold on to them.
stopped taking them in the late 90's.
