Results of NASIG elections and Bylaws changes Eleanor Cook 02 May 2004 01:04 UTC

Please excuse the duplication across lists.


The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) announces
the five members newly elected to its Executive Board.  These
individuals will assume office immediately after the adjournment of
NASIG's Annual Conference to be held 17-20 June 2004 at the
Hilton Milwaukee City Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The new Executive Board members are:

Vice President/President-Elect:
Mary Page
Head of Acquisitions
Rutgers University

Elizabeth Parang
Serials Librarian
Pepperdine University

Jill Emery
Director, Electronic Resources Program
University of Houston

Kevin Randall
Head of Serials Cataloging
Northwestern University

Joyce Tenney
Serials Librarian
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Judy Luther (fulfilling the remainder of Mary Page's MAL slot)
President, Informed Strategies

They will join NASIG's previously elected officers on the 2004/2005
Executive Board:

President :
Steve Savage
Head of Cataloging
San Diego State University

Past President
Anne McKee
Program Officer
Greater Western Library Alliance

Denise Novak
Head of Acquisitions
Carnegie Mellon University

Carol MacAdam
Associate Director, Library Relations

Stephanie Schmitt
Manager of Serials Services
Yale Law School

In a separate vote, three proposed amendments to the NASIG
Bylaws were all approved by the membership, and take effect
immediately as of March 15, 2004.  Approximately one third of the
voting NASIG membership voted.

Proposal #1, Addition of Membership responsibilities section,
passed 342 for, 75 against, 6 abstaining.

Proposal #2, Changes in nomination procedures, which updates and
clarifies the nomination process for NASIG offices, passed 397 for,
23 against, 3 abstaining.

Proposal #3, Secretary and Treasurer terms, which lengthens the
terms for those offices to allow for training and smoother turnover,
passed 400 for, 20 against, 3 abstaining.

Established in 1985, NASIG is an independent organization that
promotes communication and sharing of ideas among all members
of the serials information chain.  Its members are librarians,
publishers, subscription agents, and others working with or concerned
about serial publications.  For more information, please see the
NASIG home page at