Re: Print Journal Usage Mary Ann Walker 30 Apr 2004 19:34 UTC

Here's another twist to statistics gathering that can be as portable
as your equipment will allow:
At Oral Roberts University, all microfilm and bound journals are given
barcodes. Also, current journals are assigned a "statistics" barcode
for each title; these barcodes are placed onto a rolodex card with the
journal title and filed alphabetically in the rolodex.  With each use,
student workers scan the barcode representing that title just as they do
for bound and microform items.  At the end of the year, statistics are
gleaned from our Dynix system.  None of our journals are circulating and
we also ask patrons not to reshelve items.

MaryAnn Walker, MLIS
Electronic Resources/Serials Librarian
Oral Roberts University
Library Periodicals-LRC 414C
7777 S Lewis Ave
Tulsa  OK  74171