Re: Questions on MARC for holdings Sheila Corman 14 Apr 2004 23:00 UTC

   We have a system which supports MARC 21 for holdings. Since our
holdings previously were in the 599 of the bib record and were not
accurate we did not even try to convert them.
    We use MARC 21 for all our holdings and entered them as titles were
checked in. The front end on our system just asks you to select the
enumeration and chronology levels. Then we enter the data and the system
converts it to MARC. We use open-ended runs for ease of updating. We've
been doing this for 2 years with no trouble.


Ellen Simmons wrote:

>Dear SerialListers,
>We are undergoing a process of selecting a new ILS system, and our choice
>has narrowed to two: a system that supports MARC for holdings and one that
>does not (as of yet).  We have made several site visits to libraries using
>each system, but none of these libraries were utilizing MARC for holdings
>even when their ILS system was capable of doing so.  In an effort to find
>out how strongly I should push for a system that supports MARC for holdings,
>I would like to ask any of you out there who do use MARC for holdings (and
>forgive my naivete'):
>How do you utilize MARC for holdings?
>What added value is there for your catalog?  for your staff in serials
>Do you download publication patterns via MARC for holdings?
>Does MARC for holdings affect OPAC display at all?
>Please share any other thoughts or answers to questions I _should_ be
>asking.  I feel very ill equipped to advocate strongly one way or another
>when I just don't have a good handle on the purpose and function of MARC for
>holdings for my library.
>I appreciate very much your responses, and you can send them to me rather
>than the list if you prefer.
>Best regards,
>Ellen Simmons
>Periodicals Librarian
>University of Dallas
>William A. Blakley Library
>1845 E. Northgate Drive
>Irving, Texas 75062
>Phone: 972 721-4130
>Fax:  972 721-4010

Sheila Corman                           (619)531-4448
Cataloging Department                   (619)238-7716 (fax)
San Diego County Public Law Library